Cannabis for Periods: A Guide for People with Uteri

Periods and weed — is it a good mix?

5 min readNov 3, 2022
Photo by Plants for Persephone on Unsplash

Every single person with a uterus has a different experience when it comes to periods — but there are a few similarities that many of us share. When you burst into tears over a TikTok of a cat one day and start bleeding the next, are you ever really surprised? Do you struggle to smile through the teeth-gritting pain of cramps while you are at dinner with your family? Well, cannabis might just be able to help with all that.

What We Gain When Using Cannabis During Periods

When that time of the month hits, it can feel like nothing in the world can save you. No amount of Advil, Midol, soothing music, or relatable movies can make you no longer want to claw your insides out or murder everyone around you. But maybe, just maybe, a little cannabis can.

Pain Relief

Let’s face it — periods can come with a lot of very creative pains. Lower back pain, violent and sudden cramps, and that deep pain that makes it feel like you are either going to be on the toilet for hours or you might be experiencing organ failure. In all its forms, period pain sucks. Fortunatley, cannabis and pain are a pretty great combination. In fact, managing intense, chronic pain is one of the most…

